Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter this year! Things were crazy as usual over here but we had a great time. The girls woke up and found their Easter baskets chock full o' goodies, mostly toys because the Easter Bunny said Mommy might eat too much of their candy! After checking out their baskets, the girls headed out to the porch for a Easter Egg hunt!! They searched high and low and Brianna was able to find her fair share of eggs... such a big girl. After that, we loaded up and went to church for yet another Easter Egg hunt! Mommy forgot her camera though. Woops. We had a very yummy Easter dinner with Nana and Aunt Kimmy who helped me TREMENDOUSLY in the kitchen, as usual! Couldn't have done it without you guys! Happy Easter everyone!!
Dying eggs! I accidentally deleted the picture of Brianna helping but she was there!

Whose idea were eggs covered in glitter??

The Easter Bunny sent the girls out on the porch for a mini egg hunt! Go Brianna!

Yeah Addison!!

Notice the blue lips on Brianna? Darn blue Ring Pop!!

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