Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Our day started with a splash and ended with a pop! After a crazy Kentucky Derby party, hanging out by the pool was a great way to spend the afternoon. Nana, Aunt Kimmy, and Haylee came over to help us get through some of our leftover BBQ, catch a few rays, and celebrate Mother's Day. As the night was coming to a close and it was time to head to bed, Daddy picked Brianna up by her forearms to try to cheer her up and pop went the elbow! We weren't quite sure that had happened and I even thought she might be being a bit of a drama queen because she was so sleepy. But after waking up and still not moving her arm, we headed to the pediatrician. It was nursemaid's elbow and the doc was able to pop it right back into socket without much effort and you would never know anything ever happened to her! She is running around like crazy and doing everything she was doing yesterday. So here is my Public Service Announcement to all you out there... don't pick toddlers up by their arms!!
Do you think I would have sank this float if I tried to hop on?!!?

And They're Off!

We hosted our annual Kentucky Derby Party again this year and I'm pretty sure the kids and babies are starting to take over! We had a fabulous time though despite the chaos. We had friends in from Chicago all the way down to south Florida and so appreciate everyone being there that could be. The big winners of the night were the Gentiles. Ryan got first place with Animal Kingdom and his wife Nicole came in third with Mucho Macho Man!! Sweet little Landon, Paul and Kristen Kennedy's son, was the second place winner. We had some super yummy food from Keller's BBQ that seems to be a hit because people remembered it from last year. I'm ALMOST sick of eating pulled pork and beans a few days later!
My favorite part of the party was the cupcake table!! Not only was it SO tasty, look how cute it is!! 

Super special thanks to Andrea, Alaina, and Caryn for making such awesome cupcakes 
Addie in her party dress.... we had Cheetos, she doesn't normally have orange teeth and lips!
Poor Brianna woke up to a house full of people... she didn't like that too much!

Mother's Day Fashion Show

Addison's class put on the cutest Mothers Day Celebration! Each mom had her own special place set with a handmade #1 Mom ribbon, a decorated plate, a beaded necklace, a neck roll, and a picture flower pot. These kids must have been crafting up a storm for weeks to get all this done! 

Then there was a wall where each kid drew a picture of their mom and us mom's had to guess which one we were! So cute!! I did guess correctly on my first try... but I think I was a dead giveaway with the big ol' round belly!!

Then, each kid dressed in mom's or dad's clothes and was introduced on the red carpet as couples complete with a fun story describing what they were wearing, and where they going after the party. The teachers really put alot into it! It was great!! Addison checked out my maternity clothes and with the saddest look on her face said, "I don't like any of this." Fortunately we were able to find the perfect red dress in my non-materity wear!

The kids then serenaded us with the most adorable "I love mommy" songs and joined us for lunch. It was fantastic, very special. I know all the mom's just loved it. And that was just the beginning of a wonderful Mothers Day weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing mom's and mom's-to-be out there!