Thursday, February 5, 2009

MJ & Mattox are in town

This past week, the Syberts came to visit to take advantage of some warmer weather here in Florida. The kids had a blast playing together! It's amazing how fast they are all growing up. We attempted many times to get all the little ones together for a picture but this is about as good as it gets with four antsy toddlers! I have quite a lot of respect for the patience of photographers!

Addison, Michaela, Mattox, and Haylee

All the girls (and Mattox) loved the keyboard from Grandma & Papa Irish. Here is Haylee belting out a tune for us!

The girls practicing the Moon Walk... they just LOVE to dance!

Nana brought over lots of crafts for the kids to do. They all had so much fun!

We all had a great time and were sad to see the Syberts leave. Hopefully we will be seeing more of them in the future????
Also, Baby Irish is doing great! All of my check ups are going wonderfully and I'm enjoying just watching my belly move ALL around! This little one is definitely more active than Addison was and I'm a little intimidated by that! We've started slowly transforming the office into a baby's room... one of the many sacrifices Daddy will be making in the coming years! It's all worth it, though.
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