I recently realized that as baby Irish #2 updates pop up every now and again, I'll probably have to give this blog a new name in a few short months! Today was our 20 week check up and we had "the" ultrasound. I call it "the" ultrasound because it was the one where most families find out if it's a boy or a girl. BUT we are in the minority of people who are waiting to find out so the only thing I have to report is that the baby looked like a healthy baby should and for that I'm very grateful. The baby weighs 13 ozs and is in the 60th percentile... this is new to me, I didn't realize they had growth percentiles for babies before they were born! The baby was quite the little wiggle worm... moving ALL over the place and even playing patty cake! I gained a few extra pounds that I would love to attribute to my growing baby but, I'm pretty sure I ate too much over Thanksgiving... Anyway, here is a picture of the little bambino!

Speaking of Thanksgiving... I went to upload my pictures and realized that I have a picture of the table and that's it. I think I got a little sidetracked cooking the turkey! Woops! I will be better at Christmas time, I promise!
1 comment:
Man, you guys are awesome. Stay strong! But then again, if you went through "the" ultrasound without caving you probably won't before the birth. I am so excited of you guys and so happy the bambino is healthy and active. Good job momma! Love the new backdrop btw!
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