Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kiddie Party Time!

The temperature has FINALLY dropped a few degrees! Just in time for a fun Kiddie Halloween Party at Addison's friend Brenden's house. Addison wore her angel costume and kept it on, wings and all, until it was time for lunch and I took it off! Okay, so there was a halo that made it all of two minutes. I know a picture exist of her in it and I will find it! Addison had a blast playing with Brenden, Noel, Devynn, and Madison on the swingset and decorating pumpkins. I ate way too many pumpkin rolls... mmm... cream cheese icing!
As a side note, Addison is on day 5 with NO diapers... except at nap and night time. She is doing great! I was pretty nervous about the day care at the gym because it's usually pretty crazy with everyone coming and going. But she has been three times and so far, so good. It's still early to be declaring victory but I'm feeling pretty good about my goal of having her out of diapers by the time Baby Irish makes his/her debut. Yeah, Addison!!

Addison on the swing

Pumpkin decorating

Addison loved the balls!
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