Our day started with a splash and ended with a pop! After a crazy Kentucky Derby party, hanging out by the pool was a great way to spend the afternoon. Nana, Aunt Kimmy, and Haylee came over to help us get through some of our leftover BBQ, catch a few rays, and celebrate Mother's Day. As the night was coming to a close and it was time to head to bed, Daddy picked Brianna up by her forearms to try to cheer her up and pop went the elbow! We weren't quite sure that had happened and I even thought she might be being a bit of a drama queen because she was so sleepy. But after waking up and still not moving her arm, we headed to the pediatrician. It was nursemaid's elbow and the doc was able to pop it right back into socket without much effort and you would never know anything ever happened to her! She is running around like crazy and doing everything she was doing yesterday. So here is my Public Service Announcement to all you out there... don't pick toddlers up by their arms!!
Do you think I would have sank this float if I tried to hop on?!!? |