We just got back from a GREAT trip to Greenville to check out Aunt Elizabeth's and Uncle Tommy's fabulous new house. Not only is the house wonderful but the neighborhood is picture perfect and they have an awesome backyard. It's just the right size for getting the 'wiggles' out... for both the kids AND the dogs! Addison and Caleb had fun together and got along surprisingly well. Brianna was a happy little girl (for the most part) and played with lots of new toys since Caleb was such a good sharer. Addison also went to her first (but not last, I'm sure!) karate lesson taught by none other than Uncle Tommy. Yeah! They have a 3 and 4 year old class on Saturday mornings so Addison was their honorary student for the day. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so we took full advantage and took all the kids to the park. Here are a few pictures.
Bed time!
After class
Caleb at the park
Grandma and Brianna on the front porch
Hangin' out by the back fenceOn a very happy note, we picked up Lexi from being boarded (all safe and sound thank goodness) and the doc said no bandage needed on her sore. Looks like she is finally on the mend! I am knocking on wood right now, trust me.
Our latest and definitely greatest round of pictures is available for viewing online. When you have lots of time to kill, check out all 218 of them! Click
here and click on Kara and Bryan. Enjoy!