We have been busy, busy, busy and I've been bad about posting pictures! Addison is doing great in school and seems to be settling in just fine. She likes her teacher and talks about some of the other little girls in the class. Brianna is growing like a weed on Miracle Gro. She is 5 months old and easily fits into 12 month clothing. She is very close to growing out of her infant car seat which is good because I can barely carry her in that thing anymore! She is working on sitting up but still needs a helping hand to get stable and stay up. This weekend, Haylee, Aunt Kim and Nana came over and the girls played. Here are a few pictures...
Okay, so this wasn't from the weekend but I had to post it. Addison got left alone with a marker for a few minutes. I started to yell at her (why she's crying) but then couldn't quite finish because the Charlie Chaplin mustache just cracked me up!
Both girls just HAD to hold Brianna as soon as she woke up so we stuck her in the middle.How cute is this?
Haylee and Addison
My adorable Chunky Monkey!!